Wednesday, September 2, 2009



For those of you who don't have any clue what IELTS stands for, it is an examination, a test to be exact, which is very much similar to the low class MUET. The only significant difference between these two is the fact that IELTS is conducted by the British council, and of course, it is internationally recognized. The format, also exactly like MUET, include listening, reading, writing and speaking. However, yon count on my word when I say that the marking would be stricter than MUET.

Tak sangka dalam masa seminggu ni aku buang masa untuk practice bahasa inggeris semata-mata untuk satu test yang takkan ada nilai pun kat Manipal nanti. Apepun, mungkin ade hikmah disebaliknye. Mintak2 la result aku okay. Paling kurang pun band 12. Wakakakakaa….Dah la writing test macam &^$*.

Cakap banyak pun takdak guna. Maghi la kita pakat2 tunggu result kluaq nanti tengok macam mana.


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